Wow! We have had an amazing summer!
Our days were so laid back in the beginning. Then, in July, Race and Juliann got to go to California to their Nana and Papa's for 12 days. While they were gone, Aaron and I went on several dates; hiking, biking, out to dinner, walking around Seattle, not to mention out to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary! Also, while they were gone, I got the house cleaned top to bottom, bottom to top and everywhere in between! hehe
One of my things during the summer is to work on decorating projects. I worked on a few projects here and there. Unfortunately, didn't complete them 100% but it has given me motivation to make the time to complete the projects. (maybe my wonderful cousin Kat will help me next time she's out! hehe)
After the kids got home, our summer went to laid back to crazy-crazy! Race went to his 1st youth camp w/church. He loved it! Juliann went to VBS the same week-Pirate theme-Fun! Then, the following week was Cousin Camp at our house. The weather was fantastic the whole time and the kids were even better. Minus a few sunburns, I'd say it was an absolutely terrific week of family time!! something to cherish.
A few days after Cousin camp, we adopted 2 chickens and 2 turkeys. They are so fun! I love them more than I thought I would. Race's rooster likes to 'roost' on his shoulder. Funny, huh?
We have gotten eggs from the turkeys but none from our little hen yet.
After we got the poultry settled, we started our life at the Evergreen Fair. I helped out in the horse barns for 3 days, Juliann showed her dog 4 days, and Race competed in motorcycle events for 4 days. The kids came home with an arm load of ribbons and trophies. Aaron and I are so proud of our talented kids!!
Now, we are back to school. Race has been chomping at the bit to get his studies started. It's exciting to hear his enthusiasm. Juliann is happy to be back to school too. Juliann is doing 4th grade and Race is doing 8th grade work this year.