There is lots of shopping to be done in Italy. Italians love to shop and they love shopping malls!
We have shopped in town-many little store fronts up and down mainstreets and alleys, shopping malls-similar to what we are used to in the states, and open air markets. I have found that the markets have the best prices but, similar to some stores we have been in, most merchandise is made in China. :(
Centro Campania mall-Scarpe & Scarpe (shoes and shoes :-)
Kat, Beth and I could get in a lot of trouble-lots of tights here!! Fun :-)
(confession: the above picture is actually in Belgium but I didn't have a good pic of the tights here in Italy)
Grocery shopping is pretty similar to back home. Of course, there are different brands,etc. but it's organized and priced similarly. When choosing meat, I avoid carne di cavallo (horse meat :-( There are rows and rows of pasta and formaggio(cheese).There have been very few food items we haven't been able to find. We have found peanut butter but it is quite expensive. A small jar costs 5-6 euros ($7-8). Race got to buy Doritos and Pop-Tarts on the base while he was with some friends.
I always think of Sarah as we pass all the make up here
I love the markets here
Here is a man making Preseppi-nativity or city/country diorama type structures. Naples is well known for these. See Juliann's blog:http://
Let's not overlook buying.. gelato! Quite enjoyable.
Did you get a kick out of the above pictures of the signs we saw at a little jewelry shop? We were so confused, we didn't know what to do..haha