Well, we are all getting psyched up for Aaron to go to Japan for work. He is supposed to be gone for a month. I'm confident that he will get over there and iron out all the problems and get to come home early! He is that awesome, you know! hehe
It is a pretty big deal that he is going. We are excited for this opportunity for him. We are definitely praying that all will go smoothly!
On the home front, we have been gardening this year. It is so fun to harvest the fruits of our labor-well, my labor. hehe It is like the story of the little red hen around here-who would like to plant with me? who would like to weed with me? who would like to water with me? Oh, no one? hmmm... I guess I will have to eat all the fruits and vegetables myself...
Juliann and I went on a horse adventure a few weeks ago. We got to go to a ranch in Naselle, Washington. The drive there and back was fine. The horses were bratty almost the whole time we were at the ranch-ergh! Our sweet friends who invited us to the ranch, allowed us to ride their horses when we couldn't ride ours. Juliann is totally in love with their horses! Our horses are lucky to be alive...hehehe
Race got to go to Wisconsin w/my mom and dad and 2 of his cousins. My parents bought a travel trailer and made the trek across the states. They all got to go the 2nd largest airshow in the world; in OshKosh, Wisconsin. They all had a great time. Race still hasn't stopped talking about the great food my parents fed him the whole time!
Well, I am out of words, so I will bid adieu for now. until next time...