Thursday, April 11, 2013

In the 'heel': Lecce,Puglia

just 1 shot of some of the windmills we saw as we drove into Puglia 

Pictures of the room we stayed

pics taken near a ruin. just behind Aaron is the sunken amphitheater

Above:frise; a dry, super hard bread that should be soaked first and then topped w/tomatoes, oregano,etc.  surprisingly good!  Below: my absolutely favorite pastry from the area. Aaron called it a high-end hostess pie filled with cream.  I just thought it was devine. and it looks kind of dry too but it's not. delicious!!

    The middle of March, Aaron and I got to go away for a few days-just the 2 of us. (Race and J stayed with good friends and they had a blast without us..sob sob..haha)  We traveled to Lecce, deep in the 'heel' of Italy.  Aaron had a work conference to attend and I got to 'tag' along.  Boeing put us up in a very nice hotel!  That was a nice treat. 
    The 1st night we went out to dinner with some of Aaron's coworkers.  Great company but...not such great food, unfortunately.  I usually like just about anything but not that night.  We were served an entire 'aquarium' of fish; most of it crudo-Italian for 'raw'.  yick...not delicious.  One dish looked and tasted like red boogers..sorry to be graphic but it was attrocious; and I am not exagerating..ugh.haha   Anyway, we now have funny memories from that dinner..
     While Aaron was in his conference, I walked around Lecce.  It is a lovely, peaceful town that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I always LOVE to have company but it was really nice walking around and exploring on my own.  After the conference, Aaron and I walked around a little bit together. That was nice too :-) 
     After we left Lecce, Aaron got to visit a factory in Grottaglie (a little north of Lecce) for Boeing.  While he was there, I drove to Toranto (30min from Grottaglie) to spend some time with my friend Leslie.  We walked around, went shopping and stopped for lunch.  It was a very fun visit and time with Leslie is always great!! 
     What a great little side trip.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

The buildings are wonderful. Thanks for sharing about your trip. The dinner menu does sound pretty yucky.