Monday, September 24, 2012

Miscellaneous Italy observations

     We are definitely noticing a lot of differences between what we know in the States versus what we see here.  Besides the obvious of the language, here are few other things:
     *Electrical outlets- 3 small holes or sometimes 2 small holes usually in a vertical line. It's funny, at the hotel, it looks a little like a 'Griswald' special. There are several plugs and different adapters for each plug.
     *Businesses open and close whenever they want. Even if the signs says it's open, a lot of time there's no one there.  I have found that to be true about the post offices, especially.  Ergh! I've got all these postcard but no stamps! ha
     *Lots of horn honking (as mentioned in a previous post)
     *No cheddar cheese ;( 
     *Lots of odd cars
     *Musicians have to/supposed to have legal authorization to be allowed to play music in some public places.  Juliann wanted to play the hotel piano but was told she needed this 'said' authorization..what?!  odd
     *Apparently, Naples has a lot of one really cares about those laws though.  Don't be surprised if you hear that we have a 'run-in' with Italy polizzia for playing the piano in public...haha!

      Keep in mind that these are just a few things and we have, essentially, only experienced this 1 city in Italy.  I'm sure I'll be able to add to this list.

      On another note, thought I'd mention that there were some protests going on here in Naples.  Not sure what it was about exactly, but we think it had something to do with the people being upset with some governmental agency.  There was a group that walked about the streets shouting something in unison and then would proceed to create a ruckus by any means possible; usually knocking over garbage cans, etc.  It was funny because I saw the front-runners would make the mess and then those in the back of the line would semi-clean it up.  They seemed real hard-core. haha