Thursday, November 29, 2012

Back to the hotel..

     We are in a holding pattern.  I really thought we would be in our Italy home before the holidays.  I'm grateful that we have a great place to be right now but it's a little hard knowing that we will be hotel hopping again and through Christmas.  It's especially difficult for Juliann and Race.  I pictured us getting into our permanent place before Thanksgiving, cooking a turkey with all the trimmings,etc. and then decorating,etc. for Christmas-complete with a tree. Well, that is not to be this year.  Especially this time of year, I see how much we need stability for the kids sake.  I've been praying that they will see that this is temporary and it's all part of the adventure that we are on.  In time, they will understand but in the mean time, it's difficult.  ugh..
    On another note, we are officially legal to be in the country now.  On Tuesday we all went to the Immigrazione office with tons of paper work-everything official is done on paper here. I know, old-school,right?! ha  Then, we spent a few hours at the post office finalizing the process.  I find it interesting that so many processes are taken care of at the post office. You would think one would just go to mail a letter or a package there but NO! It seems like everything is done at the post office or the Tabacchi stores. he he