Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Napoli sottoranea (#2 underground tour)

A few weeks ago, we all ventured out to another underground tour.   We have heard there are 4 different underground tours here.  Not sure if we will see all 4 but we’re half way there already. 

        Our tour guide was Italian but spoke perfect English.  He told us at the beginning that he prefers not to run a tour for Italians because they can be fussy,etc.  I found that to be funny. 
        The area that we toured around was originally used for water and then during WWII some Italians lived there for protection.  Many years after the war,etc. the space was used to store garbage.  When people realized it shouldn't be used for garbage, it was decided to just bury all of the garbage instead of hauling it out.  Sounds logical, right? haha
      During the tour, we got to walk through some very narrow passageways while carrying candles to light our paths.  We saw some really cool water reservoirs in that area.  There were also several plants and bushes that were brought underground.  The plants never got watered-obviously got enough moisture from their surroundings. That was interesting.
     Another area revealed where the nuns (from the church directly above) used to store wine.  There was a direct pathway from the church down to their 'cellar'.  There was also a pathway for the monks to go too.  It was rumored that there was a 'shared' pathway for the nuns and monks..(if you get my drift)

(sorry I will not be able to post pictures of this adventure. The pictures we took are M.I.A.-bummer.)