Thursday, November 1, 2012

Closer to holidays in Posillipo

      It's starting to feel like the holiday season around here.  Even though we didn't go trick-or-treating or carve pumpkins yesterday, Juliann and I dressed up a little bit.  She is so creative! With items we had in the house, she dressed up as a pirate (see pic below).  Then, she dressed me up as an angel-I know, farfetched..haha. She made a halo out of tinfoil and wings out of Ikea napkins :)  Love it when she gets creative!
     We also had the pleasure of having our lovely friends, Sophie, Santini, Liam and Elliott here for dinner.  We had such a great time!  We were truly grateful they were willing to venture out last night too.  The wind blew all day(didn't let up for a few days, in fact!) and it poured rain most of the evening also.  Not to mention, the traffic was worse than it has been since we've been here.  It was a perfect night to have chili and chicken pot pie soup. Yummy!
     Today was a national holiday; All Saints Day (Tutti Santi)  Most businesses were closed so Aaron worked from home.  Since the time change last week, Aaron doesn't get home until well after dark.  It was nice that we all got to go for a walk together today to a nearby park.  The views are amazing from the lookout points at Parco Virgiliano.  The pictures I took don't do them justice but I hope you enjoy them anyway.  On our way home, we stopped in the closest pastacciere (sweet shop :) ).  We bought some amazing fudge.  Juliann loves it so much she wants to have that for her birthday cake.  :) :)

Isola (island) of Nisida-don't know anything about this mysterious island...

 Sweets from local pastaccieri(sweet shops) Delicious!

     Tomorrow is a quasi-holiday too; All Souls Day.  I'm sure it will be a relatively quiet day as well-not as much traffic and busyness around here.  Actually, it's usually pretty peaceful where we are now.  (I wonder what the traffic was like in the heart of Naples today.)  It is the most chaotic place I have ever experienced so it would have been nice to see if it was more sedate today.  We'll have to ask our friends who are still in the heart of the city...