Monday, October 8, 2012

We drove the Amalfi Coast

     This past weekend we decided to drive to Amalfi.  Even with our Italian GPS, "Cleo", it was an 'adventure' getting there.  It seemed like a simple thing to just drive from our hotel, staying with the coast. But just like driving anywhere here, we see where we want to go but it's not that simple. So, we drove up and down all kinds of streets to, finally get to the coast..
     We stopped for lunch at an intriguing looking outdoor cafe overlooking Isle of Capri.  There was a lively Italian family there that we enjoyed chatting with a little bit and 1 of the gentlemen jumped into a picture with Juliann (see below).

     After driving for a few hours, we thought we had seen all of the coast so we started heading back to the freeway (autostrada).  "Cleo" wanted us to turn left on a road that did not look appealing so we bipassed it.  We were so glad we did because the road we were on led us to what everyone means  when they talk about The Amalfi Coast.  Pictures don't do it justice but I hope you enjoy them anyway :).  The roads we drove were extremely narrow and a bit 'hairy' in spots.  We all loved the drive but Aaron and Race would have loved it even more on motorcycles! If you get a chance, check out Race's blog at:

1 comment:

RedBettySummer said...

Very cool! Looks amazing. Hey, Pete and I have driven to the Washington coast many times, and even with our American GPS, we still had a bit of confusion. I can't imagine driving with an Italian GPS. LOL!